June 14, 2011

Wipeout HD/Fury

Date played: June 13th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 35 minutes
Session fun rating: 7/10

I played some Wipeout in split screen today with a friend who has no previous experience with the series.  At first glance, he told me there was a version of it on the Super Nintendo.  It took me a while to convince him that he was thinking of Fzero hehehe...

Anyway, we started off on Venom class so that he could get used to the concept and controls of the game.  He quickly caught on, being a big Blur player.  Then we raced at Flash speeds and this is where he started going off the track a little bit.  He improved a lot in 30 minutes and since he got the game for free on PSN, maybe that will get him to actually launch the damn thing and try it for himself.
I love split screen!

He stuck to Feisar since he asked for something easy to handle and I varied my team every race so that I could maybe gain a bit of loyalty and skins for manufacturers other than Harimau.  I hope he enjoyed his time playing this weird, difficult yet so very fucking sweet game.