June 27, 2011

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D

Date played: June 26th
Platform: 3DS
Time played: 45 minutes
Session fun rating: 7/10

Saria and Link hanging out
I was tired, sitting on the couch and didn't feel like playing something that would require quick reactions so I grabbed my 3DS and played a bit of Zelda.  I first tried out the slingshot mini game in the town and failed horribly.  I turned off 3D and was aiming with the gyroscope which turned out to work very well but takes a bit of getting used to.  I didn't have enough rupees to try again but I'm sure it will work out when I have more cash.

Continuing the story, I ran into something I had completely forgot, the stealth infiltration of the castle to reach Princess Zelda.  It's weird how much this stuff has been appropriated by other games.  This is a very basic stealth mechanic and kind of sucked honestly but it was cute.  Then I had the iconic scene where Link first meets Zelda.  It looks great in 3D.

I then went to Lon Lon ranch and won a bottle of milk and learned Epona's song.  I was about to go to Kakariko village to move the story along and the guard mentioned that there was something in the graveyard to the East.  The graveyard must have been inside the village because when I went East, I ended up back in the forest.  It turns out that Saria, the green haired chick, wanted to see me in Lost Woods.  So I went in, got a big bag of slingshot bullets and found Saria who taught me another song.

I forgot how open this game really was.  I seem to have done this stuff all out of order but then again, maybe that's the way it's meant to be.  The only complaint I have so far is that they haven't fixed the stupid save system.  Every time I start the game up, I start at my fucking house which is far away from anything interesting.  This is not 1998, let me save anywhere and don't make me walk back to wherever I was.