June 25, 2011

Golden Sun Dark Dawn

Date played: June 24th
Platform: DS
Time played: 40 minutes
Session fun rating: 8/10

Kaocho looks nice but the Emperor is a dick
I explored the town of Koacho, run by an ominous emperor, Emperor Wo.  I inspected a multitude of pots, shelves and crates, as per usual in JRPG land.  I also found two new Djinn who were well hidden.  I then had a long conversation with Emperor Wo who seemed to think he owned our party and ordered us to find the mask hidden in the labyrinth below his city.  He also wanted us to help fight their enemies in the land to the south.

In the end, he got mad when I said no and dropped us through a trap door just like Mr Burns does in The Simpsons.  I also met three of his advisers who were all more evil than the next.  I managed to escape and went to the land in the south to see what I could find.  I had managed to get a letter of recommendation from the Emperor before he dropped me in the hole.  I also bought a bunch of new equipment!  Yippeee!