June 25, 2011

Outland demo

Date played: June 25th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 20 minutes
Session fun rating: 9/10

Another twenty minutes, another great looking game demo.  Outland seems like a mix of Ikaruga and Super Metroid.  It's mostly an action platformer that moves very fast and controls as well as any Mario game and that's saying a lot.  The demo was long enough for me to know I want to play it eventually but I have other shit to play first.

When I say it's like Ikaruga, I mean that the character can change colors at will, red or blue.  When blue, blue bullets don't affect you and when red, red bullets don't hurt.  It also has a great contrast heavy art style that makes the game easier to play since the colors stand out more.  It also looks fucking great.