June 29, 2011

Magic The Gathering Duel of the Planeswalkers

Date played: June 28th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 45 minutes
Session fun rating: 9/10

I got this game for free with the Playstation Plus welcome back program.  I know how to play Magic from my high school days so I didn't bother with the tutorial and it's obvious that I didn't need to as I was able to win my first game and didn't have any problems understanding how to play and the controls are very simple.

Using a virtual board is much easier than using physical cards
I did three battles from the campaign to familiarize myself with the game and prepare for online play.  The first game I played as green against red.  I won but it was a close battle.  I took the lead early and brought the other guy down to five lives but after that, he took out some stronger creatures and we had a bit of a stalemate for ten turns or so.  Then I finally beat him in a war of attrition.  I then lost my second match but it was a really close match and like any card based game, it seems like the game was won or lost based on luck in this case. For the last game, I used the red deck and while it's pretty good, I preferred green.

I know a lot of people complained that they couldn't create their own decks but I really like the fact that all the decks seem to be balanced,  I am ready to try out online modes and am looking forward to seeing how real players behave.  I think this game would work really well on 3DS come to think of it.