June 13, 2011

Excitebike 3D

Killer box art

Date played: June 12th
Platform: 3DS
Time played: 15 minutes
Session fun rating: 7/10

After checking my daily street passes, I played a little bit of Excitebike 3D.  The icon was RIGHT THERE, I just had to click it!  It's still the same damn game but there is a reson this is a classic, it's fun.  I find the 3D adds a lot to the visuals and it makes a really cool effect when sliding the 3D slider.

I played a bit of the first mode, where your drive is alone on the track and had a some decent lap times.  This is a great game to play in very short chunks as it's fun right away but doesn't exactly get very deep.  This makes me optimistic for other 3D classics like Super Mario Bros, Micro Machines and other great NES games.  Now they just to price it properly, 2$ or 3$ sounds about right to me.