June 30, 2011

Golden Sun Dark Dawn

Date played: June 29th
Platform: DS
Time played: 65 minutes
Session fun rating: 7/10

Sand Prince, you so ugly
I explored the underground city of Ayuthay.  I spent a lot of time looking through stupid pots and crates again.  most of them don't have anything in them but when there is something, it's usually worth it.  I also bought a lot of new equipment again.  I focused on armor and ignored weapon upgrades since I have other ways of dealing damage.

I then fought a boss when trying to activate the Alchemy Well.  It was a pretty easy fight but I did have all my Djinn on standby, ready for my biggest summons.  I even hit for 395 once!  Then I focused on staying alive through healing and kept damaging the boss with magic, Djinn and weapons.  After beating him I received a new psy power, Arid Heat which allows me to evaporate water.  That allowed me to drain the water from Ayuthay and find a few treasures and one Djinn.

Then began the big underground dungeon that reminded me of the Water Temple in Zelda Ocarina of Time.  I had to train and fill little bowls of water to raise and lower water levels.  I stopped playing after a few rooms though.