June 16, 2011

L.A. Noire

Date played: June 15th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 40 minutes
Session fun rating: 9/10

DLC that is well integrated in a game.  For once.
I didn't have time to solve a full case today but I think I went through a big chunk of the DLC case "The Naked City".  It's integrated in the story which is nice but is something that bugs me when the DLC comes out after I'm past that part in the game.  This happened to me in Fallout 3.  I would have bought a bunch of Fallout 3 DLC if it didn't mean reloading an old save.  Either way, for "The Naked City", it worked very well.

The case involves a model who died from a morphine overdose.  The morphine used seems to be related to a previous Vice case and it seems there might be two killers, one of which appears to have died shortly after the murder.  I interviewed a few people in the girl's life including a fashion exec.  When I turned off the game, I was tailing the man because he pawned something for quick cash.  I think he's the killer but we'll see.

I also played a fun side mission where a black dude reports a crime and when we were walking towards the scene, he steals one of our police cars.  I chased him down until he crashed into a wall.  What an idiot.