June 4, 2011

Motorstorm Apocalypse Demo

Date played: June 4th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 15 minutes
Session fun rating: 2/10

This should be fun but I just can't enjoy it.
Wow, I hate this game.  I tried to like Motorstorm 2 but the controls and numerous bottomless pits turned me off the game.  This one is even worse.  While the controls were a bit tighter, the track from the demo was messier and busier than any from the second game, meaning lots and lots of stupid crashes because the track is not clear.  Basically, this game wants you to fail.  I would be ok with that if I was entirely responsible for my success or failure but in this case, it seems like many of the failures were due to bad track design or good old fashioned bad luck.

The vehicles in the demo are pretty cool though.  There is a race car that handles well and is very quick.  There is also a sport bike that is easy to use.  Either way, they are not getting my money again this time.  Viva Dirt 3.