June 6, 2011

Wipeout HD/Fury

Date played: June 5th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 140 minutes
Session fun rating: 10/10

Oh. My. God.  Sony's month long outage actually had a bit of a benefit for a racing fan like me!  Giving out Wipeout HD/Fury was such a good idea.  I have played all the games offered in the welcome back program except Wipeout HD's Fury expansion pack so it was the obvious choice for me.  While I really enjoyed Wipeout HD, the single player got too hard for me once I started hitting Rapier class and the online was populated by a few hardcore players that had amazing skills, which left me fighting for second to last place whenever I tried to play.

The colors!  They blind me!
Now, with the influx of new players, there are a lot of new players and average skill players.  I started off playing the single player and I wasn't expecting much so I was surprised at the amount of content.  This actually feels like a sequel more than an expansion pack really.  There are a bunch of new tracks, vehicles and even two new event types.  The first new event is zone battle which is just like zone mode but with multiple racers on the track.  The other mode has you destroying targets on the track for points at high speed.  Both modes are interesting and fun.

I also spent a bit of time to take two photos.  I haven't transferred them to my PC yet but I will post them soon.  Then I jumped online.  Wow, I forgot how much fucking fun this game can be.  As there are a lot of players online right now, I was able to select which speed class to compete in.  That way, I can stick to Flash where it's fast enough to be exciting but not too fast that it becomes incredibly difficult.  I was more successful than I thought I would be.  I managed a few wins and many podiums.  There was only one race where I didn't end up on the podium.

If this large population of players stays, I might stick to Wipeout for my online play fix for a little while.