June 22, 2011

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D

Date played: June 21st
Platform: 3DS
Time played: 80 minutes
Session fun rating: 8/10

Top: 3DS Bottom: N64.  Go compare for yourself on Games Radar.
Let me preface this by saying that I was not going to play this game.  I've played it twice already, once on N64 when it came out and once on Gamecube when I got it as a bonus to Wind Waker.  Then my friend came into work with it and he let me check it out for a minute and I was sold.  The screenshots do not do this game justice at all.  It's amazing how cool this game looks in 3D and how much they improved the character models and textures.

I played through the first dungeon, the Deku Tree and made my way to the main city.  While I've played this before, I didn't remember much in terms of the actual dungeons which made the game still fun.  It's crazy how much this game has sculpted the way we play games today.  Lock on targeting, context sensitive buttons and night/day cycles are common elements of current games but back then, this was all new stuff.  The best part is that this fucking game still holds up and is still fun to play.  I was expecting disappointment but I got hit in the face with quality and fun.

I won't detail the dungeon but I didn't have any problems.  I even forgot that this game had an item that stuns enemies....  I'm glad I bought it and I hope it keeps my interest as the wow of the graphics becomes a lesser factor.