January 31, 2015

Kirby's Dreamland 3

Kirby rides a hamster and fights a witch...
Date played: January 31st
Platform: Wii U
Session fun rating: 7/10

I got this game for free from the dying Club Nintendo service. I've never really played the Kirby series when I was younger, aside from the occasional friend who would let me play the original Kirby's Dreamland on Game Boy. It wasn't until Kirby's Epic Yarn that I finally played a proper Kirby game, which I enjoyed.

I only played a single level of Dreamland 3, but it was immediately obvious that this game was different, mainly because of the animal buddies that can be ridden by Kirby. They can absorb abilities and can even use Kirby as a weapon in some cases. The hamster I rode was pretty cool. I'm interested to see the rest of this game. The art style is really nice too, so that helps.