January 6, 2015

Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo Wii U

Date played: January 6th
Platform: Wii U
Session fun rating: 8/10

I was out shopping with my daughter and traded in a few games, when she saw the Amiibos and the box for Smash, she was super excited... I guess I didn't realize it, but my 4 year old really likes some of these characters now. When she looked at the box, she immediately recognized Mario, Pikachu, Link, Peach, Donkey Kong, Samus and Kirby. Then she looked at the back and loved seeing Princess Zelda, Yoshi, Olimar and Toon Link. Either way, I couldn't resist and bought Smash with an Amiibo for each of us, Samus for me and Princess Zelda for her.

Now, I've never been a huge fan of Smash Bros, but that doesn't mean I don't like it at all. I played a few rounds with a bunch of characters against weak CPU opponents to get familiar with the basics since I haven't played this since the Melee days. The Amiibo thing is kinda cool...sorta. Basically, each figure becomes a CPU controlled player that can level up and be customized.

I then tried a few other modes, including a cool "classic" mode that is a series of battles that ends in a challenge from a new character and a battle against the master hand, a weird boss thing. I unlocked Falco from Star Fox!

I then played a few rounds online and was quite satisfied with the performance and easy to use interface to get a match going. I am not very good at Smash Bros., but I still managed to get second place a couple of times.

The characters are really the big draw in this game and no one does it better than Nintendo. My favorite was always Samus, but I'm not too picky in this game. I tried out a bunch of them, but one of them stood out to me as really fun and fitting to my style of combat. The Wii Fit Trainer. She has great attacks based on aerobics, including a soccer ball kick to the face, a yoga-type "focus" move that increases her smash power and a fun hula-hoop move.

I like what I've played so far, mainly because online works well and this game is nothing without other players, but we'll see if I stick to it. My daughter REALLY loves her Zelda figuring though, so I'm sure I'll get to play lots more.