January 16, 2015

Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon

Date played: January 15th
Platform: 3DS
Session fun rating: 8/10

I've been interested in Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon since it was released, but I wasn't ready to pay 40$ for it. I finally spotted a deal for it and bought it. My daughter was immediately interested in the game, mostly because of the box art and the flashlight in the pictures...

She was glued to my side the whole time I played. In fact, she asked me to replace her bed time story with 10 minutes of playing Luigi's Mansion! The game's setup is that a ghost destroys the Dark Moon near Luigi's house. This moon had kept the nearby ghosts docile, even friendly. Now with the moon gone, Luigi must gather it's pieces and capture the ghosts.

He starts with only his flashlight and has to go get the Poltergust 5000 from the garage. The Poltergust 5000 is a sort of vacuum device that Luigi uses to capture ghosts, Ghostbusters style! I found a few keys and money by sucking things into the vacuum and reached a bathroom with a secret door panel. That's where I fought my first ghost.

Fighting ghosts requires that I stun them with a sort of strobe light. Then I must aim the vacuum towards the ghost and start sucking, moving in the opposite direction from the ghost. Then I press the button prompt when it appears to end the battle. It's a cool system that's been fun so far.

What I like the most about the game is the wonderful animation. The game is actually pretty funny, mostly because of Luigi is a fucking pussy who is scared of everything. He makes wonderful faces and sounds and is generally hilarious. The graphics are pretty good too, though I haven't had a chance to try 3D since my daughter was watching the whole time. She loves it so much, she asked me not to play without her!