January 21, 2015

Volgarr the Viking

Date played: January 20th
Platform: Xbox One
Session fun rating: 9/10

Volgarr the Viking is a brutal, unforgiving retro action game. There is zero story. You're a powerful viking that fights monsters and navigates through dangerous terrain. That's it.

This game is motherfucking hard as hell! While Volgarr is pretty strong, killing most enemies in a single sword swipe, he is also quite vulnerable to enemy attacks. If I get hit once, I lose my valuable shield. After that, a hit means death. I can collect a helmet too, which grants me another hit point. The catch is that the levels are pretty long and have no checkpoints. There are swarms of goblins, deadly spiked pits, acid spewing flowers, dangerous snakes, killer bees and tons of other ways to die.

The way the game controls makes it feel right though. Every action is precise. A well timed shield block can save an entire run. A good spear throw can mean the difference between victory and death. I played through the first world, which has 2 levels. The first level was set in a jungle while the second was in a temple.

At the end of the grueling levels, I fought a boss, a giant monster with a shield and club. I had to avoid his long range attack, then stick spears in his shield, climb on top of them and stab him in the face until his head came off. It was quite satisfying.