January 21, 2015

Halo 2 Anniversary

Date played: January 21st
Platform: Xbox One
Session fun rating: 8/10

I played through 2 levels of Halo 2, Gravemind and Uprising. Gravemind was a rather boring level where Master Chief just shoots his way through dozens and dozens of enemies. This was the first encounter with the Brutes, the large, gorilla-like enemies that overturned the Elites as the most important race in the Covenant, after the prophets of course. The Brutes don't have energy shields, but they have very high health. They also like to charge around on foot when they are desperate. Thankfully, three or four headshots from a Carbine will finish them. They also have two new weapons for me to use, the Brute Rifle and the Brute Shot. The Brute Rifle is pretty great as it's basically a plasma rifle, but it shoots faster and overheats quicker. I find it very useful. The Brute Shot kind of sucks, but can be useful in some situations. It's a small grenade launcher.

The prophets are heartless
Uprising features the Arbiter as he rebels against his masters. He often had some friends with him, so at many points in the mission, there were 3 or 4 energy swords slicing up Brutes at the same time. The mission had a segment in a Ghost, where I slaughtered a slew of Brutes. At the end of the level, one of the prophets gets caught by a Flood parasite...