January 25, 2015

Sunset Overdrive

Date played: January 25th
Platform: Xbox One
Session fun rating: 10/10

Holy shit baby! I finished Sunset Overdrive, fuck yeah!

I simply, absolutely LOVED this game! It's one of the best games I've played in a long time... What was it that really made this game as fun as it was? Of course, it's a combination of many things. The first thing that comes to mind are the fabulous traversal mechanics. By the end of that game, I was swinging, grinding, wall running, bouncing, dashing and generally being incredibly awesome, even when I was just going from point A to point B.
BOOM motherfuckers!
Then there's the incredible style of the game. It oozes with color, energy and coolness. The amazing punk rock soundtrack, including this great, original song, really sets the mood throughout the game and even changes based on how much action is happening on screen! It's used to great effect... The awesome stylized use of words on screen also makes this game stand out. When an enemy dies, you'll sometimes see words form from their blood, guts and limbs. Every "POP", "SQUISH" and "BOOM" makes the game come to life like only great comic books can.

It's funny too! The script, while a little forced in the first few hours, gets better and better as the game advances. It knows it's silly and it doesn't give a shit! It also knows that it doesn't matter if things don't make sense. I loved that.

Then there's the combat. Man, did I love the combat! At first, it's more difficult than it should be, because you simply don't have the tools to do a good job, but after getting some weapons, amps and moves, everything becomes smooth as butter. The few times I died, it was clearly my fault. The already large number of weapons is made even better with the absurd quantity of amp and weapon combinations. There's guns for every type of player out there and it really pays to use them together.

The final stretch of the game had me get ready for a benefit concert (yeah), open up a new base, complete all challenges with a gold rating, raise some flags around the city and finally take on Fizzco directly. The concert stuff was pretty cool as I had to find band members to play a show for the sick kids the Las Catrinas were taking care of. The concert itself was more of a base defense mission, so I laid traps and blew every enemy into bits until the song was over.

This meant the Las Catrinas were now willing to help me and we took on Fizzco head on. This meant a few large battles against OD and robots. My favorite new weapon, the Hairspray bomb, coupled with my favorite new amp, make for some fucking devastating explosions. The Hairspray bomb is already a large explosive, but I equipped it with the amp that gives it a chance to produce a small nuclear explosion on kills, this turned it into an absolutely amazing weapon.

They even joke around in the credits!
After some intense battles, the hero rode a giant Overcharge bottle into the Fizzco headquarters.... Once the hilarity of it all was over, it was revealed that the entire building was a robot and I had to fight it!!!

I chased the robotic mastermind throughout the city, dodging debris, projectiles, robots and even boats along the way. When I got close, I used my various platforming skills to reach the top and attack it's power core until it was destroyed. The whole time, the damn thing was yelling "FUCK YOU!".

Sunset Overdrive proves that there is still a place for big budget silliness in video games. It also proves that Insomniac hasn't lost it since it's days with Ratchet and Clank. I am so happy with this game, I immediately went out and bought the season pass that includes two expansions after the credits rolled. The first of which is available now, "The Mystery of the Mooil Rig". I can't wait to try it out and I really hope that Insomniac gets a chance to do a sequel.