January 14, 2015

The Swapper

Date played: January 13th
Platform: PS4
Session fun rating: 7/10

I finished The Swapper!

I only had 3 puzzles left and they were the ones that had stumped me before. I was able to complete 2 of them fairly easily as I was much more comfortable with the mechanics than when I first encountered these rooms.

However, there was one last puzzle that I just could NOT figure out! After 30 minutes of trying everything I could think of, I resorted to a guide for the second time in the game. I was SOOOO close too, I was simply missing a small piece of the solution. I had done everything right and was primed for success. This was a room where I had to press 4 pressure plates to open a path to the orb. Two of these plates were upside down. At many points in this puzzle, I had a clone on the ceiling above me or on the ground below me. What I didn't know is that I could merge clones together by having their heads touch! If only the game had explained to me that it was possible, I would have solved this puzzle on my own...

The ending is as creepy as they come. I made the station crash onto the ground and somehow survived. A rescue ship finally arrived, but after scanning my body, they reluctantly told me that they couldn't risk taking me on board as it was a risk.

There was an awesome scene where I was given the choice to swap into the body of one of the rescuers or stay on the planet. I decided to stay on the planet, where my only option was to jump down a huge ravine to my death. During the fall, I saw glimpses of conversation between the intelligent rocks, the Watches, discussing the reasons for my choice. It was pretty deep and made me think a bit. However, when I died at the bottom, I was happy to see I was taken back to the last checkpoint and was able to see the real ending. I swapped into the body of the other person and got on board the rescue ship. The other crew members stated that I looked and acted different, then it cut to credits.

I also figured out along the way that the Scavenger, the other lady that I saw during the game, was in fact some version of myself. It's unclear how all this happened, but it was cool nonetheless. I loved playing The Swapper. It was a great puzzle game with an awesome atmosphere, a cool vibe and a mysterious story.