January 25, 2015

Gunman Clive

Date played: January 24th
Platform: 3DS
Session fun rating: 8/10

I started and finished Gunman Clive, a Western-themed platformer, reminiscent of Mega Man.

At 2$, it had always intrigued me when I saw it on the eShop. It has a great, unique look that kind of gives it a hand drawn feel. I wasn't disappointed. Even though it's really short (it took me a little more than an hour to beat), it was very well made, had interesting bosses and level design and kept me entertained the whole time. The 3D effect was also very well done, one of the best examples of it on the handheld in my opinion.

Clive is a cowboy and he must save a damsel in distress. I shot other cowboys, ducks (!), pelicans and even asteroids to save her! There are awesome power ups, including a powerful spread shot similar to Contra. There were challenging platforming sections and even a mine cart ride. The bosses were the coolest part. I fought a mini-gun wielding cowboy, a robotic train, a shadow Clive and other cool villains. I'm glad I played this awesome little game.