January 6, 2015

The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap

Date played: January 5th
Platform: 3DS
Session fun rating: 7/10

Cluck cluck motherfucker!

Fuck. Cuccos.

Seriously, fuck them. Why don't you stay in your fucking pen you assholes? What, you don't get fed enough? You hate your owner? Maybe I should be bitching about the owner? If your puny little fence doesn't work, and clearly it doesn't, then maybe it's time to invest all these rupees you've been giving me into a better fence? Maybe you should just get out of the finger-licking good business? Maybe you should go fucking get them yourself instead of standing next to the little useless door to the pen? Also, who the hell keeps a dozen chicks in their house? I mean, aside from Hugh Hefner of course...

Well. Anyway, I got all the cuccos after multiple attempts using my trusty flippers and Pegasus boots to get around town fast enough. At least I got a piece of heart out of it... I also spent some time getting some kinstone fusions done and was handsomely rewarded with a huge bomb bag, a giant quiver and some remote bombs that can be detonated at will.

I then went to Royal Valley to figure out where to go next to find the last element. There was a cool little puzzle through the dark forest where I had to read sign posts and follow their clues to reach the graveyard. I got the key to the graveyard from Dampé, the weirdo from Ocarina of Time and solved a short puzzle to reach the king's tomb. He told me to find the next element where the water flows from...

I headed for Veil Falls and found a new path that led to a new area, Cloud Tops. As you would expect, this is set entirely on top of clouds. I must find a few different golden kinstones to progress. So far, it's mostly been about digging through clouds with the digging mitts and floating around in the air with the parachute. I'm thinking the dungeon will be revealed in this area.