September 16, 2011

NHL 11

Date played: September 15th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 20 minutes
Session fun rating: 9/10

I wasn't in the mood to play a single player game and Black Ops is still out of commission and hockey season is coming up so I decided to play a little online game of NHL.  As usual, I picked my trusty Senators and to my great joy, the other guy picked the Leafs!  The Battle of Ontario baby!
Spezza scores! Sens win!

It was a pretty tight game.  I think I was a notch above the other player's skill level but I had a lot of trouble finding the back of the net.  We battled it out for two full periods without a goal, trading some good back and forth with me having a few more shots and more puck possession.  Then in the third period, I got a short power play and managed to score on a rebound.  That was enough to win the game, even though the opponent came dangerously close to scoring late in the third.  I hope this is a sign of things to come for Ottawa.  Go Sens Go!