September 14, 2011

Deus Ex Human Revolution

Date played: September 12th and 13th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 150 minutes
Session fun rating: 9/10

Holy shit, I know I've played a lot of this game in the last two days but it seems like it's all a blur.  I know I've done a bunch of missions and I know I've explored a lot of places and hacked a lot of computers but I can't seem to recall many of the details.
My social augmentations came in handy with this guy

A few things do stand out in my mind though.  I took out a neural hub (wtf is that??) from a corpse's skull that I reached by infiltrating a police station.  I kind of just talked my way in and the cops didn't mind me too much unless I hacked computers in front of them.  I really liked that mission, there was a lot of stuff to find in the police station and lots of cool info and back story.

I also did a mission where I had to basically go take out a gang leader without killing him.  He was holed up in an apartment with four of his thugs.  At first, I tried just walking in and got shot dead.  Then I tried being a bit more tactical and it worked out but I shot the guy I was supposed to knock out.  Third time, I put boxes in the hallway outside the apartment so that the guys would not be able to chase me.  It worked out well and I was taking out the bad guys with my pistol as soon as they were coming out of the room but again, I shot the guy by accident when he poked his head out.  Frustrated, I decided to try something else.  I used a silenced weapon and took out the first three guys as they were in view and I managed to do it without getting noticed.  Then I threw a concussion grenade in the room with the target and the last thug.  I then ran into the room and knocked out the target with my stun gun and killed the other guy with melee while they were still stunned.

I thought it was a great little mission that shows all the different ways to complete an encounter.  I am slowly falling in love with this game.  It really reminds me of Alpha Protocol but with more polish and more content.  That's a good thing.