September 21, 2011

Gears of War 3

Date played: September 20th
Platform: Xbox 360
Time played: 45 minutes
Session fun rating: 8/10

YES!  Gears of War 3 came out and I have it!  Unfortunately, I didn't have much time to actually play but I did get to play one chapter and see the beginning of the next chapter.  Gears of War is one of my favorite series.  People bitch and moan that it's grey and brown, they complain the story sucks and they say the big bad dudes in armor are not good characters.  While some of these complaints may be valid, the fact remains that Gears has the best mechanics and game play of any third person shooter in my opinion.  The shooting feels right, the cover mechanics work well, active reload seems like a gimmick yet it really adds something to the game play and it looks absolutely gorgeous.  It's not surprise then that I was excited for Gears 3.

The game starts off with Marcus having a dream of when his father died.  He soon wakes up and we find out that he and the other COG's have become Stranded.  They have no food, no supplies and not many men.  It doesn't take long before the shit hits the fan and Lambent attack the ship.  It was like getting back into old slippers.  Same old mechanics, same old sounds, same old fun.

There are a lot of new enemies, the Lambent have obviously evolved.  When I stopped playing, I was about to get into a exoskeleton with rockets and a minigun.  I can't wait to see what I'll be shooting at with that thing!