September 15, 2011

Mario Kart Wii

This thing is freaky
Date played: September 14th
Platform: Wii
Time played: 70 minutes
Session fun rating: 9/10

I completed one 150cc Grand Prix and won first place.  I spent a lot of time trying to win the first cup in 150cc and every time, I either got hit by a blue, red or green shell at the finish line or I've been hit by lightning, a star or squished near the end of the race.  It sucks but I'll get it eventually.

I spent most of my time playing online with my girlfriend.  I was using Rosalina with the off roader and my girlfriend was using Yoshi with the little fish looking kart.  I did ok, won a couple races and placed in the top 5 for most of my races.  My girlfriend was mostly in the middle of the pack.  There were a few times where we kind of helped each other by not shooting ourselves.  Mario Kart Wii is really fun, I just wish it was prettier, had better online features and had more tracks.