September 6, 2011

Deus Ex Human Revolution

Date played: September 5th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 120 minutes
Session fun rating: 10/10

My pilot friend
Oh boy, I think I'm starting to get it.  Deus Ex is really starting to feel like Fallout mixed with Mass Effect.  I finally got to an area where it's a bit more open and I had flashbacks of Fallout 3 and New Vegas.  Adam Jensen explores a small part of Detroit and can find TONS and TONS of little tidbits of information.  In the two hours I played, I didn't get into combat once.  I was reading ebooks, magazines, PDA's and emails.  I was gathering credit chips.  I was hacking computers, etc.  I also have started developing a relationship with the helicopter pilot, a nice lady who seems to be on my side.  I've also been leaning towards a pro cybernetic augment position, I don't know how that will affect the story yet, if at all.

I invested my first cybernetic upgrade point in hacking since it seemed to have immediate benefits.  I fully explored the Sarif office building I was in then explored a bit of the streets.  I picked up some regular quests and some side quests, all of which seem very interesting so far.  This game has taken me by surprise, I was not expecting it to be a real RPG, I thought it would be more like Alpha Protocol where there are RPG elements but it's really a stealth action game.  Deus Ex is a pure bred RPG, at least so far.