September 7, 2011

Deus Ex Human Revolution

Date played: September 6th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 90 minutes
Session fun rating: 9/10

Oh man, this game is starting to really pick up steam.  I got a few upgrade points after doing some side quests and invested them in two sections, hacking and speech.  Hacking is now up to level 3 so I can open pretty much everything I've run into so far with a few exceptions.  This is useful but not really that interesting.

The more interesting upgrade is the speech one.  Whenever I have a conversation with someone now, I see a little side bar that gives me information on the person and a "persuade" meter that shows if the person is responding well to my words.  There is also another meter that sort of shows you what kind of personality the person has which you can use to secrete corresponding pheromones to influence the person in the direction you want.  It's kind of like a charisma check from Fallout or Baldur's Gate and it works really well.

Augments for EVERYONE!
My next upgrade will probably be lifting big objects, it seems that there are many opportunities to find new paths when lifting dumpsters, fridges and soda dispensers.  I did side quests mostly today, exploring apartment buildings and stealing information.  I investigated a neuropazyne neurapazine drug thief who was redistributing it to the poor, Robin Hood style.  These people need the drugs to prevent augment rejection so when I was presented with the choice, I chose to support his cause.  I think it's pretty fucking noble, even if it's illegal.

I also visited the LIMB clinic where I was able to buy some upgrade points.  I love this game, it's a big rabbit hole.  I just have to make sure I don't stop playing because it will be difficult to come back to after a long break.