September 30, 2011

Battlefield 3 beta

Date played: September 29th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 60 minutes
Session fun rating: 9/10

I won't be able to play Battlefield 3 for a while due to life so I was really excited to play the beta.  While it's too bad that there is only one map and it doesn't feature any vehicles, I still had a lot of fun in the three matches I played.

There are four classes in the game, assault, engineer, support and recon.  As usual, I like big machine guns and that meant support class.  The first match was pretty short as I joined a game in progress but I still managed 4 kills and only 1 death while learning the controls and the map.  The next match was a lot more interesting.  In the end, I was 32-14 and was the top player in the 24 player lobby.

I wish I had a better PC just for this game...
I think one of the reasons I did well was that I had a good squad and I was using the RPK.  When I was on the other team, the support gun wasn't nearly as effective, at least not for my style of play.  I held choke points pretty well and wasn't afraid to sprint through some dangerous areas, unlike many other players who camp in bushes. The last match I was on offense and I was using that other gun.  I wasn't as good but I still had a positive k/d ratio.

The one thing I was not impressed with were the graphics and performance of the engine.  I really hope this is only a problem because it's a beta and not because it's a bad engine.  The shadows are screwed up, there is a lot of pop in and the framerate could be better.