September 20, 2011

Deus Ex Human Revolution

Shanghai is cooler than Detroit in Deus Ex
Date played: September 19th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 60 minutes
Session fun rating: 9/10

I found the prostitute that was being held against her will to be augmented.  She was guarded by three guys which I took out easily with my trusty silenced pistol.  Once saved, she decided to escape the city and I reported back to her friend to get my money.  The girl then had another quest for me where I have to find a dude, knock him out and either throw him off the roof to kill him and make it look like an accident or I can also plant drugs in his house and have him arrested.

When I was making my way towards that, I got distracted by all the locked storage units, safes and apartments that were ripe for exploration and looting.  I guess I'll find out what happens with that dude next time I play.  Maybe Gears of War 3 will push that into "later" territory, we'll see.