September 11, 2011

Bloodrayne Betrayal demo

Date played: September 10th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 15 minutes
Session fun rating: 7/10

Way Forward is such a cool developer.  In my opinion, they do the best 2D animation in the business.  Games like A Boy and his Blob (which I still have to play more of) and Shantae Risky's Revenge show off their skills well.  Bloodrayne Betrayal is even smoother AND it's in HD.

The animation in Bloodrayne is easily some of the best I've seen.  The characters are pretty, the backgrounds look great and the blood splatters are almost symphonic.  Then I played the game.  It's difficult.  It's really a brawler, in the vein of Shank or Dishwasher.  The combat system works well and the controls are accurate but the enemies are relentless.  I couldn't finish the second mission because I died too often.  It's a cool game but I think it will be a little too hard for me.