April 1, 2016

Rocket League

Date played: April 1st
Platform: PS4

I played some 3v3 competitive with my youngest brother and his friend last night and we fucking destroyed everyone in our path. It's not as much fun as being in the same room to play, but it's still a lot more fun to play with people you know than to play with strangers.
Our kickass team was as coordinated as the 3 heads of Cerberus
Of the 5 or 6 games we played, we only lost once. Our final game was the closest though, it was 1-1 for most of the game, it went to overtime and we fought for the last goal for at least 4 minutes until my brother made a good shot, it was saved by the goalie and I slammed the rebound into the net for the victory! I love playing with my bro, and it's even better when we win like last night!