April 26, 2016

Far Cry Primal

Date played: April 25th
Platform: PS4

The Snowblood Wolf is now mine. His pack is dead, Takkar has conquered nature! The wolf hunt was a bit different than the other hunts because I had to hunt two special wolves before fighting the third and final wolf.

The area where the wolves hunt is a swampy, often foggy place. It's also overrun with Izila and wolves, so it's quite dangerous. Once I followed the tracks of the first wolf, I set up some traps and attacked it with my owl, then chased it in a way that would lead him to my traps. I barely attacked it and it died from the traps. The second wolf was messier... I ended up just fighting it directly with my club and spears with my tiger to back me up.

The final wolf was also messy, but he went down rather quickly. I was then able to tame, completing my collection of beasts. The Snowblood Wolf looks fucking cool with it's white, blood tainted fur, but unfortunately, it's not really useful. Nothing beats my sabretooth...
The wolf hunt area is gorgeous!
I spent the rest of my time clearing this area. I captured a bonfire and an outpost, and completed a bunch of simple side missions. When I captured the outpost, I went super stealthy, sending in my owl for recon, dropping a bunch of berserk bombs and opening up a few leopard cages. This created enough carnage that that I didn't have to lift a finger to win. The enemies beat each other up, and the leopards cleaned up the rest... It was a cool moment.

For completing the side missions, I received my final 2 skill points! I will definitely get the platinum trophy for this game, the only two trophies I have left are to kill Batari and Ull, the enemy tribe leaders. It's really rare that I get platinum trophies for games... This will be my 3rd of all time, so that says a lot about how much I love this game.