April 13, 2016

Assassin's Creed Syndicate

Date played: April 12th
Platform: PS4

I finished Assassin's Creed Syndicate!

The last sequence in the game was very well made and was a good culmination of the story. Evie needed a map of Buckingham Palace, but to get it, she had to help the Marahajah. The man had trouble getting in contact with 3 men he does business with, so he asked Evie to steal a royal carriage to pose as their transportation. He would then discuss business with them in the carriage, surprising them with his presence. After I did that, Jacob had to steal a guard's uniform so that Abberdine could wear it, then carry their weapons inside the palace.

The twins were finally ready to attend the Queen's ball, confront Starrick and protect the Shroud. In a really great sequence, Evie gets all dressed up and dances with Starrick, right in the middle of the courtyard, in full view of everyone. Their conversation was wonderfully written, tying in the events of the game into a final, civilized exchange. The great music made the scene even better...

As they danced, Jacob retrieved his weapons then took out Starrick's crew, hidden among the real guards. He then signaled Evie from the rooftops. She attacked her dance mate, but he ran away very quickly. Evie, stuck in her ball gown, couldn't really run, so Jacob came down, gave her clothes and weapons and chased after Starrick. Eventually, this led to the final boss fight as both Jacob and Evie fought the bad guy while he was actually wearing the Shroud.

It turns out, the Shroud is a sort of vest that grants physical protection and regeneration of the body. This made the attacks of the twins rather useless against Starrick. To attack him, there was a shitty mechanic that got in the way of the fun... I had to avoid giant "lasers" generated by the Shroud. While the idea is cool, it was just badly executed. It was hard to figure out where the lasers were going and it just felt kind of unfair. Thankfully, they didn't cause much damage, so I still made it easily, but it wasn't much fun.

Just as the twins were starting to be overwhelmed, Henry Green, Evie's unofficial boyfriend, showed up to save the day. He stunned Starrick long enough for the Frye twins to recover and regroup. They then worked together to remove the Shroud from the opponent's shoulders and killed him. They decided to leave the Shroud there and leave. Evie also decided that it was time to embrace her love for Henry and forget her disagreements with her brother. It was a touching scene, I liked it a lot.

Queen Victoria herself knighted the three heroes and thanked them for their service. She even had 4 extra missions for me that helped to stop the Templars from gaining a foothold in London after Starrick's death.

Overall, I liked Assassin's Creed Syndicate, but it wasn't as fun as Black Flag. The gameplay improvements were great though, as was the setting. I also loved the main characters and the music.