April 28, 2011

Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition

Date played: April 27th
Platform: 3DS
Time played: 30 minutes
Session fun rating: 6/10

Well, I sucked today.  I don't know what it was, maybe it's because I was somewhat sick and tired....  I won against a spammy Zangief player.  He didn't really block and was always rushing me so I just kept my distance and used Yoga Fire and Yoga Blast to get him off me when he was too close.

Then I played against an Adon player and it was the first time I saw that character in action.  He's tricky, he has some weird long range kicks and has a lot of tricks that play with range.  He beat me but it was pretty close.

Oily motherfucker.
The next guy is where I got frustrated.  The guy was using Hakan, another new character to me.  That guy...wow.  He pissed me off.  He was sliding around like a mad man and had some devastating jumping combos.  Hakan is this wrestler type that covers his body in oil (ewww) to make his body slippery.  He then slides around the level and even slides the other character around his body.  While utterly disgusting, I have to admit it was effective and I couldn't find a good strategy to beat him in three matches.