April 3, 2011

Alpha Protocol

Date played: April 2nd
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 160 minutes
Session fun rating: 9/10

I played most of the Moscow missions and I think I only have one left.  The story is still very interesting and the gameplay is still a bit clunky.  The boss fights in particular are sometimes very frustrating.

Sis and Albatross, members of the mysterious G22 group
At this point, the missions I've played all kind of blur together.  I found a weapon's cache in a train depot, I played a shooting gallery with a giant machine gun in a tunnel and I infiltrated a rich man's prostitute filled yacht.  I also had a meeting with "Sis", a mute, teenage, dual pistol wielding bodyguard.  I met a sexy Russian woman who loves giant machine guns and I allied with Albatross, a mysterious man with abundant resources.  Oh yeah and I had a shootout in the US Embassy.....

Anyway, I'm really liking this game a lot except for the boss fights.  Next time, I should finish the Russian stuff and move on to fabulous Rome.