April 4, 2011

Ghost Recon: Shadow Wars

Date played: April 3rd
Platform: 3DS
Time played: 60 minutes
Session fun rating: 9/10

I met a Kazakh soldier who was shooting at the same dudes as my team was and we decided to help her.  My 4-man Ghost team fought their way through a canyon to rescue here.  The game introduced grenades and supply packs so I think it was a bit of a tutorial mission in the end.  That was a simple mission and I didn't run into any problems.

I did fail the next mission though but it was because I was being a bit too hasty and rash with some of my soldiers.  Essentially, I had to destroy some mobile SAM turrets and save some commandos trapped in a building.  Everything was going pretty well until I positioned one of my units in a tough spot and she got shot by a gunner and killed.  It's interesting that when a character dies, it's game over and you have to start the mission over.  I think it's a great idea as it makes all members of the team valuable to some extent.
Yay I can blow up vehicles!!

It was also interesting that I had three guest characters on my team.  The previous mission's Kazakh and two of her RPG wielding henchmen who specialize in taking out vehicles, in this case, SAM turrets.  Either way, I died and stopped playing, I will try again next time.