April 23, 2011

Portal 2

Date played: April 22nd
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 150 minutes
Session fun rating: 8/10

Whoa, MAJOR plot twist!  I will not spoil the game but let it be known that I was shocked at the turn of events.  The game is really starting to open up now as the areas are MUCH bigger than the little test chambers and I found myself using the zoom function to place portals.

Before all that, there were some cool levels where I was trying to sabotage Glados's turret factory.  The solution was pretty clever actually.

Also, a new character was introduced and he's been pretty funny so far.  I am starting to see the history of Aperture Science and it's been very interesting.  Oh yeah and now there are puzzles that involve a "bouncy" gel that really complicates things.  Once again, the more tired I was, the tougher the puzzles were.  I got stuck on one that involves blue bouncy gel and an exit that seems to be just a little bit too far away.
Bouncy gel!

I'll figure it out, I just need to rest my brain.  It seems like I either think with portals (win) or I don't (lose) depending on my state of mind.  Unfortunately, PSN is still down so I wasn't able to play more coop yet.