April 19, 2011

Resistance 2

Date played: April 16th and 17th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 120 minutes
Session fun rating: 8/10

Well, I went through a giant mothership, blew it up, landed in Ohio (or was it Idaho?), killed some Chimera that came out of eggs and battled three giant Chimera with rockets.
This looks a LOT like the level I played on the Mothership

Honestly, I love this game.  It feels a little bit too much like trial and error but I don't really mind.  Shit, I love Super Meat Boy and that is nothing but trial and error.  I'm probably not going to play Resistance 2 for a bit as I have Portal 2 now waiting for me to jump into.  Still, I intend to finish Resistance once I have downtime again.