April 11, 2011

Resistance 2

The Marksman, my favorite weapon so far
Date played: April 10th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 40 minutes
Session fun rating: 7/10

I played through the third level, AKA Chapter 2, AKA chameleon lizard man level.  I traveled through a forest while killing enemies and made my way to the end of the level.  I really like the Marksman weapon, a three round burst assault rifle.  It is accurate, powerful and has a long range.  The Rossmore shotgun is pretty nice too but has very limited ammo.

There were a few fights where I felt I had to really drop a lot of bullets into some larger enemies before they die. This game is actually pretty hard for a shooter up to now and I like it.  The first game was pretty difficult too.

I kind of forget the story of the objective.in each level and it feels like the game is just a giant place to shoot enemies.  That's good.