April 17, 2011

Ghost Recon: Shadow Wars

Date played: April 16th and 17th
Platform: 3DS
Time played: 60 minutes
Session fun rating: 9/10

I love turned based games.  Civilization, Advance Wars, Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, etc.  My first was actually a very unknown title for PS1, Kartia.  I thought it was a JRPG like Final Fantasy or Earthbound but it turned into my first crush on a turn based strategy RPG.  It had cool anime, nice music and a weird thing where people would use magic cards to make tea and such.  It had a very simple rock-paper-scissors kind of gameplay but it got me hooked on the genre.
My first strategy RPG love.

Here I am, more than ten years later, playing Ghost Recon Shadow Wars.  I am still being introduced to characters.  I played two missions, the first was a mission about taking out mobile SAM turrets.  I failed the last time I tried.  This time I took my time and waited for my team to move together and succeeded handsomely.

The next mission I was introduced to a spy type character and an engineer type character.  The spy is really cool as she can attack without provoking return fire.  The engineer has a very strong turret that can be dropped on the field.  He seems powerful but defensive.  The mission was simple as it was more a tutorial than a real mission.

The next mission was the first where I had to choose 4 out of my 6 ghosts to defend a building.  I chose the engineer for his turret, the medic to keep everyone alive, the gunner to hold down the building and the sniper for damage.  It was a cool mission because I had to kind of hole up in this little building and defend it from four fronts.