April 24, 2011

Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition

Date played: April 23rd
Platform: 3DS
Time played: 60 minutes
Session fun rating: 9/10

Dhalsim casts Yoga Flame.  It's super effective!
Well, I did pretty good today.  I beat a decent Ryu a few matches in a row, I got destroyed by a high ranked Dan and got frustrated at a Guile spammer.

Guile is cool and all but in other games, he had to charge his moves for a second or so before he could Flash Kick or Sonic Boom.  With Lite controls, many Guile players just spam Sonic Boom and if you get closer, they just Flash Kick.  Even after a well timed teleport from my part, I still got owned by Flash Kick.  Oh!  I also discovered how useful Yoga Flame is against Blanka.  Stupid green electric jumping beastman.

I actually won more than I lost this time so I feel pretty good about my skills right now but I still need to improve a lot against certain types of characters.  Also, I'm not sure why but one guy had set up 30 second 1 round matches.  I've never played anything more boring.