April 10, 2011

Civilization V

Date played: April 9th
Platform: PC
Time played: 105 minutes
Session fun rating: 8/10

Uh-oh.  I had to scratch my Civ itch last night.  This is not good, not good at all.  I've lost countless nights to this series since I was 8 years old playing the original to recently with Civ IV and V.  This is by far my favorite PC game but I tend to stay away from it because it makes me lose track of time.

I started a new Civ with random settings on the third easiest difficulty.  I managed to build a small empire focused on culture and trade right now.  My neighbors include the Romans and the Mongols, both of which are usually aggressive and have a strong military presence.

There are also three city-states around my area and I figure I should conquer at least one but I'm still in the early stages where war is very costly.  Oh yeah, and hexes are cool.

Whenever I play Civ, it makes me long for a new Alpha Centauri....