April 8, 2011

Chime Super Deluxe

Date played: April 7th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 80 minutes
Session fun rating: 10/10

I had played the demo for Chime Super Deluxe earlier this week and I loved it so I decided to buy it today.  This is a downloadable game for 10$ on PSN.  My friend was visiting and since it has co-op multiplayer, I thought it would be a good game to play together.  We had planned to just try it for a few minutes but we ended up playing for more than an hour because we had so much fun!
I see these blocks in my sleep now.

Like I said in a previous post, this is pretty much impossible to describe with words but the point of the game is to gain "coverage" by creating quads (I fucking love that word) by placing blocks on the playing field.  Then when the "beatline", similar to the concept in Lumines, passes over the quad, the coverage is gained.  There are other concepts concerning scoring and multipliers but I don't really understand those yet.

We played in co-op where we each had our little blocks and we were working together to gain coverage.  It's really cool how the music changes as you gain coverage.  There are ten levels and we managed to unlock and play all of them at least once.  The songs are really good and they mostly match my tastes.

At first, our play style was really messy and chaotic but as we progressed, we became more methodical and efficient.  On the other hand, we became slower overall.  This game is very addictive and it's fun to build something with another person.  There is also a VS mode but we haven't even touched it because we had to much fun in co-op.

I love having little games like this that I can play in very short bursts without putting in a disc, similar to Everyday Shooter, Lumines and Geometry Wars.