April 13, 2011

Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition

Date played: April 12th
Platform: 3DS
Time played: 30 minutes
Session fun rating: 9/10

My friend bought this game and showed it to me.  I know Street Fighter, I love Street Fighter but I didn't think I wanted to play more Street Fighter.  It turns out it's a very very good version of the game.  It runs well, plays well and looks great.  I didn't play SSFIV on consoles but I did play a lot of plain old regular SFIV and I forgot how much I love the mechanics in this series.

The bottom screen makes ultra moves easy!
The 3D isn't a big deal at all here as it doesn't really add or detract from the experience.  The joystick on the 3DS works well for this game.  The biggest addition to the game for 3DS is the inclusion of four touch buttons in the lower screen that are basically shortcuts to special moves, super moves and ultra moves.  It makes it really easy to pull off the tougher moves that would be frustrating due to this being a handheld.

I played some matches online and was mildly successful.  The first match was extremely laggy and unplayable.  I lost but it was closer to a stop motion movie than a fighting game due to lag.  The second guy I played was a much more enjoyable experience.  There was almost no lag at all.

He was a Cammy user and I was using Dhalsim, my go-to character.  He won the first two matches but then I kind of got back into my groove and remembered some of the techniques I was using in SFIV to win.  I then won the third and fourth matches by keeping my distance and blocking better.  He won the last match and I decided that was enough for the night.

I also took a quick look at the figurine StreetPass feature and it looks really interesting.  I bought a bunch of figurines with my pedometer-won coins and set up a team.  Me and my friend will have our figures fight at work when we StreetPass each other!