April 17, 2011

Soul Calibur IV

Maxi, you so sexay
Date played: April 16th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 10 minutes
Session fun rating: 4/10

I felt like playing a fighting game on console so I decided to give Soul Calibur's online play a try.  It turns out that either there is no one playing this or the matchmaking is broken.  It took multiple attempts before I got into a real game then I wasn't able to find a second one after that.

The match I played was against Maxi, the nunchuk wielding weirdo.  I, of course, played Astaroth.  The other guy beat me but it was actually really close the whole match.  Astaroth has more range than people expect.  I wish I could have played more but it was not to be.