April 9, 2011

Soul Calibur IV

Date played: April 8th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 45 minutes
Session fun rating: 10/10

God, I just love Soul Calibur!  I played against my brother for a while.  His main is Nightmare and mine is Astaroth and that's the matchup we had for most of the night.  We did change it up a little with some random matches and such.
This (sorta) happened.

I tried out Lizardman and it turns out I really like his style.  This game is always great and it's because the mechanics behind it are rock solid.  Blocking at the right time, judging when to use vertical attacks and when to use horizontal attacks, grabbing and dodging merge together to create up to five rounds of awesome.  :-)

Astaroth VS Nightmare is actually a great matchup that plays more methodically than anything with button-mashy characters.  Oh yeah and Sophitia's giant metal armor looks fucking amazing.