April 15, 2011

Civilization V

Date played: April 15th
Platform: PC
Time played: 240 minutes
Session fun rating: 9/10

Fuck, fuck, FUCK!   Fuuuuuuuuuuuck!

This game is like fucking crack. I spent a solid four hours straight until like 2:30 in the morning which meant I was extremely tired for work this morning.  I will not get caught doing this again.....probably.  On the bright side, I won my game as the Siam.  It was a cultural victory which means I've accumulated enough culture to max out five policies and I built the corresponding wonder.  While this makes me sound very peaceful, I actually got into a giant war with the Romans and the Mongols.

Basically, when I got powerful enough, I started pumping out a lot of units and improving city defense.  I had lots of skirmishes with the Romans until I decided to screw my political standing and start using nukes.  I slowly took over the continent I was on until there was only one city-state left.

There is also a new unit that is very strong, versatile and just plain awesome.  The cherry on top?  They are called Giant Death Robots.  Fuck yeah.  I used these guys to finish off the other civs.
I think next time I play I will build a smaller, more focused empire.  I'm thinking scientific victory or something.  Either way, I am going to have to catch up on sleep this weekend.