April 14, 2011

Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition

Date played: April 13th
Platform: 3DS
Time played: 40 minutes
Session fun rating: 9/10

I have to start with a little disclaimer....  The NHL playoffs started last night.  That means I probably won't really play console games as much.  It's also the reason I played Street Fighter as it's easy to pick up and play a few matches during intermission.

My new nemesis
I also managed to play online against my friend.  Before talking about the matches we had, I have to spend some time to complain about how shitty communication between people is on this system.  I have this guy on my friends list right?  There is absolutely no way to send him a message of any kind.  I cannot invite him to a match from the game, I can't even let him know that I want to play.  When I saw he was online and playing SF, I had to go into the internet match section and try the "Friends Lobby" option to see if he had created a lobby and was waiting for me to join.

This is pretty much 1998 or something.  I hope this is something that Nintendo will fix in a firmware update as this is ridiculous.

I also had a little update from our StreetPass figurine fights.  I only won one of the five little matchups but that's because I had not set my figurines as I wanted yet.  I have a much better setup today so we'll see who wins tonight.

The actual matches we had were lots of fun.  My friend only plays Guile and I almost exclusively play Dhalsim.  I'm getting much better but I still have trouble pulling off the dragon punch motion with the joystick and the d-pad is too low on the 3DS for me to use comfortably.  That means I couldn't really do my teleports.  Either way, our matches were mostly very close.  The key with Dhalsim is to play the range game.  If I can keep Guile at bay, I can win.  If not, I lose.  Now that I have mapped teleport to one of the lite buttons, I should be able to win a bit more often.

I also played a few online matches, got destroyed by a Zangief and had a few close matches against a Cammy.  I can't wait to see how well my little figurines do with StreetPass.