April 29, 2011


Date played: April 28th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 20 minutes
Session fun rating: 8/10

I'll be honest, the only reason I decided to replay Flower for a few minutes is because it's one of the only games I have that I can play with one hand.  Now, don't go and think I was masturbating with the other hand, the actual reason is because my daughter is sick and I had to hold her for pretty much the whole day.  I needed a small break while still being able to hold a child.  Sad I know.
Grab a seat, chill out.  Welcome to Flower!

Anyway, I played the first two levels and I really took my time.  I just love Flower.  It's relaxing, simple and easy to play.  While I won't satisfy my competitive and challenging gaming needs, Flower does fill a void that not many other games can fill.

Also, I'm still wondering why there aren't more games on PS3 that take advantage of the motion controls built into the controller.  Sure the motion controls aren't super precise like Wii Motion Plus or Playstation Move but they can still add some interesting control mechanics to other games.

Playing this also made me excited to play Journey again, the upcoming game from the same developer.