March 27, 2016

Yoshi's Woolly World

Date played: March 27th
Platform: Wii U

My daughter and I finished Yoshi's Woolly World!

We started where we left off, level 6-5, Yoshi, the Terror of All Boos. As the title implies, this was a ghost house and it was filled with Boos, the crafty ghosts who have haunted Mario and his friends for more than 20 years. Interestingly, Yoshi can turn these spirits into platforms by shooting eggs at them, but only when he has his back turned to them... This created some interesting sections in the level.

6-6, Feel Fuzzy, Get Clingy, was so fucking cool, the theme was Velcro, Velcro everywhere! The Velcro was attached to conveyor belts around the level, and as can be expected, Yoshi sticks to it all. He is made of yarn after all... I was still able to move on the belts, but very slowly. This was probably the level I liked best today.

Then, we moved on to 6-7, Kamek's Last-Ditch Fly-By. The devilish wizard known as Kamek flew on his broom around the level, attacking Yoshi as I moved through some difficult platforming challenges.

It was finally time to take on Bowser Junior on his own turf, his castle. I had to solve a cool puzzle to reach the final rooms of his keep. There were 4 statues in the main room, and each had a wire frame of a different color. I had to find the right color yarn to activate each statue. The trick is that most of the enemies in the level were black or grey, but I needed red, green and blue. Tucked in the corners of each section of the level were some colorful Shy-Guys that I had to "digest", turn into eggs and bring all the way back to the main room. It was a fun concept, and I wish there had been a few more puzzles where yarn color mattered throughout the game.

We finally reached the final boss room and fought Bowser Junior head on. The first phase of the fight was simple, I simply had to avoid his fire based attacks and counter with some eggs. However, after 3 hits, Kamek rode in and turned Bowser Junior into a monstrous giant! I fought him one last time... He was on top of a spire and Yoshi was on the edge of the wall. This meant I could run around the boss in a circle, avoiding his attacks. It was exciting and pretty challenging, but I took him down without much hassle. The Yoshis are saved, and peace is restored!

I wasn't quite done though, I still had some secret levels to beat... Skeleton Goonies' Lava Lair was one of the coolest secret levels in the game. Most of the level had me jumping from enemy to enemy while lava flowed beneath Yoshi. This was a lot more difficult than it sounds, but it was very satisfying. After about 10 attempts, my daughter started enjoying every death. She said that she found it funny, but that I shouldn't quit because the only way to win is to try again. That made me very proud... After about 20 runs, I made it through safely!

Finally, there was one final level that unlocked since I had collected all 270 hidden flowers in the entire game. Wonderful World of Wool is a long level split into 6 sections, each of which is a small (difficult) part of each world. So it started in the friendly grasslands, then the desert, the rainbow land, the jungle, the ice world and finally, the castle. Again, this was really tough, but after multiple attempts, I got to the end.

I feel like Yoshi's Woolly World didn't get the attention and praise it deserved from critics and gamers. This game is fucking adorable, sure, but it's also one of the best platformers I've played. It's not nearly as good as Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze, but it's still a very good game. My daughter loved seeing the different themes, enemies and helping me find yarn balls and flowers. It was a great father-daughter activity over the last few months!