March 23, 2016

Assassin's Creed Syndicate

Date played: March 22nd
Platform: PS4
We've captured the City of London borough
Now that I've completed XCOM 2, I feel like it's time to get back into Assassin's Creed Syndicate. I didn't play for very long, but it was long enough to collect all the chests, beers and illustrations in the City of London borough. I also completed a simple mission where I had to capture a thug. I then did the battle for the borough against a tough looking lady who wasn't actually tough at all. I used a smoke bomb, then stabbed her with Evie's cane-sword. Finally, I started a murder investigation mission where a woman had been killed in a park, her body laying limp on a tree trunk. I stopped there for now, but I can't wait to find clues about her murder and find the murderer.